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Owl Class

Welcome to Owl Class


Welcome to Owl Class! Miss Pistell is our class teacher who teaches us every day except Wednesday. On Wednesdays Mrs Trowern and Mrs Frazer teach us. 

Our PE days are always Wednesday and Friday. Please come into school in PE kit these days.

Term 3 - Welcome back and happy new year!

Term 2:

We have used drama to support our learning the last couple of weeks. In RE, we re-enacted scenarios where we could follow Jesus' two great commandments of love thy neighbour and loving God. We also got into the festive spirit and improved our acting skills reading and performing the script of A Christmas Carol. 

We celebrated STEAM week and were fortunate enough to be provided with equipment and investigations from the James Dyson Foundation. We had five challenges to complete including making a paper-clip float, designing a helicopter, making a balloon race car and designing a cardboard boat which could carry weights. Check out some of our investigations below:

As always in Owls we have started the term with lots of new learning! In English, we have been developing our vocabulary skills by learning lots of new words including how to use them in sentences. We have learnt how to use dictionaries and thesauruses effectively; understanding what synonyms are and thinking carefully about selecting different words in our writing. In PE, we have started our tag rugby lessons and have been developing our passing skills. Before the weather turned chilly, we noticed the autumnal changes around us resulting in writing our own free verse autumn poems.


First few weeks back.

We have settled into our class in the last few weeks. We have been playing football and developing our passing skills using the correct part of our feet to pass the ball. The Year 6's have been given their Badger Buddies and their roles and responsibilities for this year. In maths, the Year 6's have been exploring mathematical structures using the cuisinaire rods to make additive and multiplicative structures. Our topic is the Shang Dynasty and in Art we have researched the terracotta warriors. We made armatures out of foil to form the 'skeleton' and then clay to make our warriors. They look incredible and we can't wait for everyone to see them on the open afternoon at the end of this term,

Check out our curriculum page for more information about the learning we are doing this term. We will update this page with photos and videos of what we have been learning in class.