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Global Explorer Curriculum



Our bespoke curriculum is designed around six BIG IDEAS which encompass the skills and attributes that we wish to develop in our pupils; these could also be called ‘drivers’ as they drive the planning and implementation of our curriculum so that the children’s success is at the heart of all that we do.

Our six Big ideas have been selected through consultation with staff, parents, pupils, and the wider community who have identified the specific and unique needs of the children at our school.

Global Explorers Motto:  Learn, Achieve, Grow: Together

We want our children to leave us as ‘Global Explorers.’ This means that they will leave us equipped to be successful in an ever changing, digital and multicultural world. Global Explorers will achieve the school aims by developing in the 6 key areas identified as our curriculum Big Ideas. Global Explorers must be ASPIRATIONAL, CREATIVE,  SPIRITUAL, RESOURCEFUL, WORLDLY and SKILLFUL


  • Spirituality looks outwards to reflect on the natural world, the environment and human capacities and achievement. It looks inwards to reflect on beliefs, values, feelings, hopes, dreams, ideals and aspirations. This reflection shapes the way we think, and feel about creation, ourselves, and other people, and how we respond.
  • The promise by Jesus of ‘life in all its fullness’ lies at the heart of Christian Spirituality and results in human flourishing. Christian Spirituality reflects the teachings of the Bible and involves the whole life of a person responding to God’s love. As a Church school, we are committed to giving pupils opportunities to explore and reflect on religious faith and particularly the Christian faith.
  • We seek to foster a culture of wonder, curiosity, discovery and learning, which leads to the spiritual development for all.  It is our aim for each child to learn to love and be able to see the Christian Values in action and to use these as a foundation to develop their own principles and beliefs.
  • We aim to achieve this by ensuring Religious Education and Collective Worship are focused on a Christian Value each short term and that we show our Christian values in action.
  • We recognise that children’s mental health and well-being is of paramount importance in our ever changing ever busy world. We want our children to grow within a school family and a community that will care for them and celebrate their individuality.
  • We will teach children strategies to cope with the modern world such as a mindfulness, yoga and meditation.
  • RE, Music, Art, PSHE


  • It is essential that our children have a secure understanding of their world both past, present and future.
  • As citizens of the world they should understand the responsibility they have to look after and care for our planet both locally and globally. We will ensure children know how to Reuse, Reduce and Recycle and develop a secure understanding of sustainability.
  • Children will love to learn about lives of children around the world and the different landscapes, communities and cultures that they live in.
  • Children will see that learning languages can open doors to life, work and friendships abroad.
  • Within our curriculum we will ensure that children develop a secure knowledge of history allowing them to see the context of their country, culture and politics. We will also explore the world through both physical and human geography at a local, national and international level.
  • History, Geography, Citizenship, Languages


  • We want children to be the best that they can be. We want them to love to learn and to see the place that school has in their life in building their futures.
  • We will help children to see the curriculum in terms of its value in achieving their aspirations. That this school is important to them and that each child is important to the school. We understand that our children cannot aspire to greatness if they are unfamiliar with the true variety of enticing futures on offer and unaware of their own potential for success.
  • We seek to broaden our children’s horizons and expand their knowledge of the world of work whilst nurturing their interests and encouraging the self-belief and ambition they’ll need to accomplish their goals.
  • We will help children to explore a variety of careers through trips, visits and visitors. We will develop close links with local enterprises including DSTL, PHE and local Armed Forces.
  • English, Maths, Science


  • With creativity, anything is possible.
  •  In order for our children to be the best that they can be we will strive to inspire curiosity and fuel imagination in our pupils whilst empowering them to delve into the unknown and embrace the uniqueness of their ideas.
  • We want our children to experience the awe and wonder in the world including those ‘wow’ moments.
  • Not only will we engage our children in a wide-range of artistic pursuits, we will encourage them to show creativity and originality in their approaches to all subjects and situations.
  • Art, Drama, Science (STEM), Design and Technology, ICT


  • We know that it is essential that the topics our children study are relevant to them and will help them to become successful adults. We are keen to ensure that our children are equipped with the tools they need to navigate the modern world safely and independently so that they can be the best that they can be.
  • We believe there is no skill more valuable than the ability to communicate with others. We know that if we ensure all our children find their own unique, powerful voice and become confident, articulate orators, this will help them to be successful in everything they do. Consequently, we will strive to broaden the children’s vocabularies and provide opportunities for talk and collaboration across the curriculum.
  • Within our curriculum, we will provide regular opportunities to develop key skills such as using technology safely and effectively, cooking and preparing healthy meals, keeping fit, managing money and celebrating the multicultural society of our country.

PE, English, Maths, PSHE, Sex and Relationships, ICT, Cooking


  • We want children to be life long learners. To develop the skills they need in order to be successful in whatever they need to do so that they can always be the best that they can be.
  • We will help children to develop the skills of independence, resilience, perseverance, co-operation, team work and kindness so that as they grown they can continue to love to learn in their adult lives.
  • We endeavour to model through our own actions and actively teach children to become adaptable and resilient in the face of change and disappointment, whilst celebrating and building upon every success. We feel our approach will encourage a growth mindset that will help them weather every storm of life’s journey.
  • Older children will become role-models for younger children in the school.
  • Children will develop these skills across the whole of the curriculum.